Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 14: Week 2 Reflections

Hello there blogosphere!

Happy Sunday! Or rather, oh no it's Sunday night. Almost Monday. Boo. I've got this week off uni though, so I'm going to take the next few days to sort some stuff out. Consolidate my exercising, healthy eating, get some pre-reading done and use my Hoyts voucher that I accidentally rediscovered the other day.

This week was a drastically different experience to last week. Last week, I was riding on the adrenaline of it being THE FIRST WEEK. The first week of the rest of my life!! And this week, I woke up on Monday and realised that the second week was not quite as exciting. My eating was controlled, my exercise was mandated. And I rebelled a little bit.

Not loads. I mean, I did my best to stick to the calorie counts. But I just wasn't as focused as I should have been. I exercised, but when I couldn't do something, I just skipped it. Side planks are the devil!! I just can't manage them. If you've got a viable alternative (that exercises the same muscles), please let me know. I've spent a lot of time lying on my side, trying to force my hip in the air haha.

On the 10km plan, I'm supposed to be able to run 35 minutes by Saturday. THIRTY FIVE MINUTES. Oh my actual goodness. I'm a little bit worried, and quite nervous, and very sure that I need to get my playlist sorted or I'll just get bored and give up out of spite. Yesterday's 20 minute run was powered through with help from Tim Minchin, especially Darkside and Not Perfect.

Just as a side note, if you've never experienced the beauty that is Not Perfect, get to Youtube stat! Tim Minchin is a comedian, but I think that Not Perfect is probably the most honest, powerful song I've ever heard. Just gorgeous.

I'm really looking forward to having the self-confidence to run outside. It may sound irrational, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I know that, in the gym, I'm running in front of people. But they're all exercising too! And in public, people could be walking along in their sundresses and suits, and I don't feel like running past, panting with a sweaty face. Trust me, there's a treadmill in front of the treadmills in my gym. It's not a good look.

So... yes. I'm writing this in front of Law And Order: SVU. I've never seen it before, and it's a really sad episode. Why is there never anything on Australian TV?? But on the upside, I finished and handed in my essay twelve hours before it was due. Hurray!

For me, that's productive anyway haha.

I'm excited about the food for this week! A combination of the meal plan and the recipe section of the 12WBT website has got an excellent line-up of meals for the next few days. I'm away Friday-Sunday, so I'm just going to have to think healthy thoughts. But you'll hear from me before then. So get excited :)

Love Alex xoxo

PS. Just discovered Flipboard on the iPad. Pair it with Pinterest, and you're in Procrastination Central! I've had so much fun while not writing my essay this weekend :)
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 10: Kicking Bad Habits

So... like many people who have some weight to lose, and some fitness to gain, I've formed some bad habits in the past. The last few days have proven that these habits aren't just automatically resolved.

While doing my BA, I got into the habit of not eating breakfast, eating a small lunch and then eating a bunch of crap for dinner. "Dinner". I don't think it's a psychological issue - I think it's just laziness. When I'm home and being told when to eat, it's easy.

The first week of the 12WBT was easy for me. I forced myself to eat breakfast every morning, lunch when I got home from uni and dinner during My Kitchen Rules. But this week hasn't been quite as... wholesome.

Breakfast is easy, and I tend to eat lunch by 3. But dinner? It's just been happening less and less. Last night, I just wasn't hungry. And tonight, I got to 10:30 and just wasn't feeling getting out the wok and some vegetables and making some healthy food. So I ended up having peanut butter on toast in front of Extreme Couponing.

I know. I know!

I think that the most effective way to 'fix' this is to assign meal times, and then just force myself to keep to them. There are always excuses - I'm not hungry, I can't eat before exercising, I'll just finish this chapter, I'll just finish this episode. It's getting a bit silly.

Internet, I charge you to keep me accountable. Breakfast at 8:00. lunch at 2:00, dinner at 8:00. Snacks at 11:00 and 5:00 should mean that I get through. The issue isn't hunger - it's calories! Nutritionists make it very clear that you shouldn't go below 1200 calories a day. If I don't force myself to have snacks and dinner, I could get through a day with about 600 calories uneaten. And I won't be hungry, but I'm just not feeding my body properly. And it's just not healthy.

Sorry that this post has been a bit less uplifting than normal. On the upside, my workout today was AMAZING. The feeling of coming off a treadmill after doing intervals at 9km/h, knowing that you could have kept going? Doing sets and sets of squats and crunches? It's just awesome!! I'm just loving the exercise component of the programme :)

Hope you're all having a good week! I'm seeing Norah Jones in concert tomorrow with my grandparents, which should be good fun :) Just have to make sure that I get exercise in beforehand.

Alex xo

PS. How much fun is matching your outfit to your shoes? I love my purple leggings!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 8: Searching For My Super Suit

This post comes to you during a seriously craved study break, so I thank you, my readers, for giving me the opportunity to set aside the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984 for a few minutes.

I had a pretty serious JFDI moment today. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a pretty excellent procrastinator. I'm totally capable of getting home and not achieving anything for two hours. Case in point: today.

So I get home and I'm sitting on my balcony with a bottle of water, sweltering in this incessant Melbourne heat, and I know that it's time to exercise. I've been to the supermarket and I've got uni work to do, but I need to exercise before dinner. I'm sitting there, on my computer, doing the Alex shuffle. Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest. Rinse and repeat.

It's getting to 6:30 and I know it's time. Like, it's properly time. I promised myself I'd be done with my uni work by 7:00 but I haven't started it yet, and I've got to exercise before dinner because of reasons.

Shuffle, shuffle. Procrastinate, procrasturbate. And then it hits me. I don't have to want to do it. I just have to do it. After all, today on the 10km plan, I had a twenty minute workout session plus stretching. Twenty minutes is oh so achievable, n'est-ce pas?

So I force myself out of my seriously comfy chair, and I'm running around my bedroom trying to find my socks and runners and sports bra and fluorescent leggings and tank-top. And I find my iPod and my headphones and I untangle the cords. And I'm almost out the door when I realise that I don't have my heart rate monitor.

Now, I haven't been using it for a few days because I temporarily misplaced the bit that plugs into the chest strap (hurray for technical language and expertise!), but I've found it and it's going to be a heart rate monitored work-out. But I just can't find the watch.

It's like that scene in The Incredibles, where Frozone is trying to find his Super Suit. He and his wife are just yelling back and forward because she's sent it to be dry-cleaned and he needs it RIGHT NOW and not in five minutes or tomorrow, because he's got something to do.

That's me. Arguing with myself.

I know that if I stop looking for it, my workout will be more and more delayed, so I keep looking. Eventually I find it in the least logical place in the world. My gym bag.

I finally get out the door with my shoes tied, my fringe pinned back and tucked under a very attractive headband, my heart rate monitor ticking away and my iPod blasting cheesy 80s music. I'm standing in the corridor, waiting for the lift to come because we can't use the stairs except in a fire. And it just won't come.

So what do I do? I have a bit of a dance party in the corridor. I later realised that I was in full view of the security camera, so hopefully the security guy got a giggle out of my jam sesh. Finally, the lift arrives and I'm whisked off to the gym.

And that is my very long tale of how I lost my HRM watch and danced for my building's security guard.

My workout was comparatively pain-free. Eventually, A Little Priest from Sweeney Todd got me through to the end. It's an amazing song if you've never heard it. The basic gist is that Sweeney has decided to start baking people into pies, and he and his business partner are discussing what people would taste like. Actor always arrives overdone, and you can get shepherd's pie with shepherd on top!

Just trust me.

Thanks for the study break, everyone! Tune in next time for more wacky adventures of Alex, including, I'm sure, losing my HRM again.

Peace out, bra!
Alex xo
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 7: Week 1 Reflections

Hi everyone!

Wow, this week has flown by! I know that it's a corny saying, but isn't it 100% true? One week ago today, I was petrified about starting law school, about eating healthily, about exercising every day... and it all feels so natural already. It's such an exhilarating to get off the treadmill after running for twenty solid minutes. OK, maybe more jogging... but the feeling is the same!

This weekend, I have discovered that I need to concentrate a bit more when I'm not scheduled. I often sleep in on Saturdays, which means that my breakfast becomes lunch, and my lunch is not eaten. I got to the treat meal last night and I had about 800 calories to eat, which doesn't seem quite right! Next weekend, I'll make more of an effort to set an alarm.

This week's food has all been lovely, but I've found a way to make it a bit simpler for the week coming. I've been following the meal plan to a T this week, which is positive. However, it did mean that I was buying a bunch of food in large packets that I only needed a small amount of. Half a tub of cottage cheese, 5/6 of a tub of cooking cream, half a block of feta... they're all sitting in my fridge, and they just don't work into this week's meal plan.

To conquer this issue, I've decided to:
a) modify the meal plan to ensure that I'm only cooking things that I will want to eat;
b) cook the two portions each dinner, and have leftovers for lunch the next days; and
c) have the same thing for breakfast every morning.

I realise that having lots of variety in your diet is very important, but I was buying so much food that I didn't get through! This week, I'll be having muesli and fruit for breakfast every morning. It's easier than trying to cook (especially if, like me, you sleep until the last possible moment every morning!).

I've also come to realise that I just prefer exercising in the afternoon. I think the most important thing about this programme is making sure that it works for me; if I resent having to do something, what's the point?

I also need to create that elusive playlist that I keep eluding to! My current method is either to put on a CD that I really love, or to stick it on shuffle and skip songs every thirty seconds or so. My theory is that a playlist of songs that I really love to run to will make my runs a little bit less stressful. And don't fret - I promise that Don't Stop Believing will make an appearance :)

So... yes. That's me.

This blog post has been an excellent procrastination break from writing my law essay, so thank you for reading! 950 words down, 550 to go and it's only 7:00! I've never been so prepared for an assignment in all my life :)

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend,
Alex xoxo

PS. Shout out to my mum and sister in Florida! Wish I was there :) xo
Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 5

Hello interwebs,

Yesterday, I was very efficient and ended up watching television last night, and I ultimately forgot to write you all a blog entry. I realised this lying in bed last night, and actually contemplated getting up and writing one, but then I realised that getting sleep would be more beneficial for us all.

So... Days Four and Five. Yesterday and today were both very good exercise days! I can feel every muscle in my body, including in my butt. I think it's a good pain though! It feels pretty fab to know that I've tried my hardest in a workout.

Part 1 of my workout today was to run 15 minutes, which would have been inconceivable a few days ago. But I totally did it! Today's soundtrack was snippets of the Les Miserables symphonic recording, with I'll Make A Man Out Of You from Mulan for the final push. I think I'm going to make a playlist of songs about overcoming adversity.

Eye Of The Tiger will feature prominently.

How nice was the 12WBT pizza tonight?! I didn't have any feta, so it was essentially pita bread with rocket and tomato, but it was still delicious :)

So... yes. That's me! I've been having a very productive day today as well - class this morning, tidying, prepping for a uni essay, watching some TV etc. And the weather's so lovely at the moment :) I don't love hot weather when I'm walking around in it, but sitting on my balcony and watching the sunset is fabulous!

Hope you're all having a good weekend!
Alex xoxo
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 3

Dearest internet,

Happy Wednesday! I always celebrate Wednesday evenings, as they herald the fact that the majority of the work week is over, and it will soon be the glorious weekend once again. I love and adore weekends passionately, as they allow for sleep-ins and film watching. Once upon a time, weekends were a time to slack of exercising and eating healthily, but NO LONGER.

I have a pretty sweet piece of news to share with you all. You may or may not know that, up until today (so, for three days) I have been enrolled in the Learn To Run programme on the 12WBT. In this programme, Wednesdays mark the running test day. The object is to run for as long as you can without stopping, and time yourself each week to see how incredible your improvement is.

I quite like a challenge, and decided that I was going to beat my previous best time of 7:58. Avid readers will recall that this time came about from my reluctance to run 1km in over 8 minutes. I sped up the treadmill so much that I thought I would fly off the back, but luckily for my bones I managed to stay on.

Anyway, in my self-challenging state, I decided that I would beat that 7:58 time if it killed me. I got to eight minutes, and kept on going. And kept on going. I knew I could get to ten if I pushed myself. Then twelve. Then fifteen, eighteen... I got to 20:30 before giving in. I probably could have kept going, to be honest, but I was running out of motivational songs on the Legally Blonde soundtrack. Rookie error, I know. Next time I'll have a playlist going and everything!!

Due to this incredible feat of superhuman strength (chortle), I've decided to take on the 10km Training Plan. I know it will be a step-up, but what can you do? No pain is no gain, apparently.

So that's me. I had a bit of a modified meal plan today. Boiled egg and avocado toast for breakfast, which was pretty bullet proof except that I accidentally soft-boiled the egg and ended up with egg yolk everywhere!

Note to self: buy an egg-cup.

I was ready to go with my carrot and tabouli wrap today, but I had literally three of the ingredients I needed. My carrot was floppy (chortle), I had no herbs and... other things were wrong too. Despondent, I assembled a ham wrap with the bits and bobs I found in the fridge. Five minutes spent on the calorie calculator later, I was set. And it was delicious.

Dinner... I just wasn't feeling a frittata. What I really wanted was some onion soup. So I spent a few minutes Googling various combinations of "healthy onion soup quick single serve" and quickly came up with one which sounded decent. One onion, water, chicken stock. Easy!

You say that now. I burned the onion, and the soup was bland. So I experimented :) Half a tin of chickpeas, some spinach, more stock powder and some salt/pepper went into the pot to form a delicious dinner which I ate with Mountain Bread. Who said that healthy can't be delicious? Well, I'm not sure if this soup was healthy (it was quite salty, which isn't good) but it was definitely calorie controlled and filled a salt craving that previously would have been resolved with a packet of chips. So score one for health!

I am now off to compile a list of facts about the case I just spent two hours reading. I have a sneaking suspicion that I will be asked something I don't know, so I'm going to preempt that by knowing everything!

Peace out, brussel sprout!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 2

Hello everyone,

Today, my law tutor said that you should begin things as you intend to end them. I'm pretty sure that he was referring to always doing the readings, but I intend to write a blog post as close to every day as I can. I promise you that I'll do my best to keep them interesting haha.

The food today was EXCELLENT. That 12WBT Spanish chickpeas meal is out of this world. I couldn't wait to get home and have my leftovers for lunch today :) Ended up having the banana on toast again, as I overslept a bit and didn't think I had enough time to boil an egg. I'm learning though :)

And the beef with mustard sauce? TO DIE FOR. I love and adore both red meat and mustard sauce. Pork and mustard sauce? Yes please! Beef and mustard sauce was a combo that I don't think I've tried before, but it was excellent. Might have to start eating mustard next. I never thought I'd say that!!

Also, I realise it was supposed to be mushroom sauce, but mushrooms are awful. They are literally fungus. No-one is any better off for having eaten mushrooms.

The toning workout today was hard! Did anyone else think that? I did all of the exercises to the best of my abilities, but that clam one had me. I mean, I could do it - knees off the floor and everything! But it had me swearing (sorry Mum!). And I've discovered that the exercise with the park bench (I've got it set to outside currently) is much harder when you do it with a dining chair. Who'da thunk that you would spend half your time rearranging furniture? I don't know how many times I had to stop what I was doing to pull the dining chair towards me again. Maybe I was doing it wrong?

Also, funny story: I went to buy a skipping rope today, and got a 'digital' one at Big W for $10. All that ''digital' means is that it has an inbuilt counter which works out how many times you've skipped. Excellent, right? Except that when I looked, it was counting down from 999. I kept resetting it and it kept doing it. Finally worked out that I was holding the handles in the wrong hands, and it thought I was skipping backwards.

Moral of the story: the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over again and expecting the same results. Except that Einstein said it better.

Love to you all,
Alex xoxo
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 1!

So... In a strange way, this feels like the first day of the rest of my life. Not only is my first day of forming new habits, both in regards to healthy eating and consistent exercise, but it's also my first day of law school!

Good things come in threes. Can't wait to see what happens next.

But in all seriousness, today was a good day. The banana bruschetta is absolutely delicious and will be making many appearances in my diet from now on, and the beef wrap from lunch was excellent too.

Considering I've never tried cottage cheese before, I think I'm officially a fan :)

I'm going to be tweeting from my Twitter account that usually is only used for retweeting hilarious news articles and things from @honesttoddler, which you should be following if you're not. But I quite like having a platform to shoot off quick ideas. I might even start Instagramming my meals! The possibilities are endless :) :)

I'm going to go and make my inspiration board when I've finished my law readings. I have a pinboard in my kitchen which is currently being used for nothing much, so I think it has a new purpose! Or I could just do a virtual one. Ah, technology.

Peace out, internet.

Alex xoxo
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

(Lack of) Fitness Test Time

Hello internet!

I realise that my readership is currently my training partner (hi Mum!), but you never know. I feel like it's always good to cover all of your bases. So hello all!

I've been catching up with the 12WBT challenges, slowly but surely. Today was Fitness Test time. In the interest of honesty, I'm going to share my results with you all today.

I was astounded by this time. It didn't come easy - you don't want to see the shade of red my face takes on when I've been trying really hard!! But I did it! I got to the last 100m, and decided that I was going to get under 8:00 by hook or by crook. And I did :) The songs that got me through it were Welcome To The Jungle (Guns N Roses), Up All Night (One Direction) and Ultraviolet (Stiff Dylans, from the Angus, Thongs soundtrack. It's actually the most motivational song; I always bust it out when I'm about to give up).

Compared to the time trial, everything else was almost a piece of cake haha.

I am actually totally incapable of doing one proper push-up, so I counted by very small ones. Hopefully this will improve over the next few months.

PLANK: 30 secs on my toes.
I was doing a plank on my knees and could feel absolutely nothing, so I did it on my toes instead. At one point, I could do a 45 sec plank, so I'm hoping to get back there and beyond.

WALL SIT: 10 secs.
A total failure. I have a very low threshold for pain and the like, so I find it very difficult to push through when my body is not pleased. Again, something to work on.

SIT AND REACH: +4 cm (approx).
I couldn't find a ruler, but I got about 4cm past my toes. Quite pleased with this one!

So yes. That's me. Putting it out there is therapeutic, isn't it?

Love to you all,
Alexandra xo
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Putting it out there!

Hello blogosphere! How are you all? Hope you’re well :)

My terrible procrastination is one of the things that I am tackling with this round of the 12WBT, and, as such, I’m only doing tasks 4-7 now. But that’s OK, because I’m doing them.

Mish challenged us to put our goals out there. My family know them and I’ve shared them with a few of my friends. Now it’s time to put them well and truly out there. Get ready!

My commitment is to be able to run 7km by the end of the 12WBT, and 10km by the end of June. I will stick to the meal plan to the best of my abilities, and give it 100%. If I am able to run 10km by the end of June, my family and I are going to Disney World at Christmas time. I refuse to let this opportunity pass me by!

This is so exciting! I can’t wait to get to a point when I feel completely comfortable in my own skin, with the knowledge that I’m doing what I can to negate my terrible family history of illness.

So… yes. The fitness goal is a big one, but that’s quite exciting, isn’t it? Pushing yourself is always fun, when you know it’s achievable. And it absolutely is!!

Love to you all,
Alex xo


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