Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 7: Week 1 Reflections

Hi everyone!

Wow, this week has flown by! I know that it's a corny saying, but isn't it 100% true? One week ago today, I was petrified about starting law school, about eating healthily, about exercising every day... and it all feels so natural already. It's such an exhilarating to get off the treadmill after running for twenty solid minutes. OK, maybe more jogging... but the feeling is the same!

This weekend, I have discovered that I need to concentrate a bit more when I'm not scheduled. I often sleep in on Saturdays, which means that my breakfast becomes lunch, and my lunch is not eaten. I got to the treat meal last night and I had about 800 calories to eat, which doesn't seem quite right! Next weekend, I'll make more of an effort to set an alarm.

This week's food has all been lovely, but I've found a way to make it a bit simpler for the week coming. I've been following the meal plan to a T this week, which is positive. However, it did mean that I was buying a bunch of food in large packets that I only needed a small amount of. Half a tub of cottage cheese, 5/6 of a tub of cooking cream, half a block of feta... they're all sitting in my fridge, and they just don't work into this week's meal plan.

To conquer this issue, I've decided to:
a) modify the meal plan to ensure that I'm only cooking things that I will want to eat;
b) cook the two portions each dinner, and have leftovers for lunch the next days; and
c) have the same thing for breakfast every morning.

I realise that having lots of variety in your diet is very important, but I was buying so much food that I didn't get through! This week, I'll be having muesli and fruit for breakfast every morning. It's easier than trying to cook (especially if, like me, you sleep until the last possible moment every morning!).

I've also come to realise that I just prefer exercising in the afternoon. I think the most important thing about this programme is making sure that it works for me; if I resent having to do something, what's the point?

I also need to create that elusive playlist that I keep eluding to! My current method is either to put on a CD that I really love, or to stick it on shuffle and skip songs every thirty seconds or so. My theory is that a playlist of songs that I really love to run to will make my runs a little bit less stressful. And don't fret - I promise that Don't Stop Believing will make an appearance :)

So... yes. That's me.

This blog post has been an excellent procrastination break from writing my law essay, so thank you for reading! 950 words down, 550 to go and it's only 7:00! I've never been so prepared for an assignment in all my life :)

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend,
Alex xoxo

PS. Shout out to my mum and sister in Florida! Wish I was there :) xo


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