Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 10: Kicking Bad Habits

So... like many people who have some weight to lose, and some fitness to gain, I've formed some bad habits in the past. The last few days have proven that these habits aren't just automatically resolved.

While doing my BA, I got into the habit of not eating breakfast, eating a small lunch and then eating a bunch of crap for dinner. "Dinner". I don't think it's a psychological issue - I think it's just laziness. When I'm home and being told when to eat, it's easy.

The first week of the 12WBT was easy for me. I forced myself to eat breakfast every morning, lunch when I got home from uni and dinner during My Kitchen Rules. But this week hasn't been quite as... wholesome.

Breakfast is easy, and I tend to eat lunch by 3. But dinner? It's just been happening less and less. Last night, I just wasn't hungry. And tonight, I got to 10:30 and just wasn't feeling getting out the wok and some vegetables and making some healthy food. So I ended up having peanut butter on toast in front of Extreme Couponing.

I know. I know!

I think that the most effective way to 'fix' this is to assign meal times, and then just force myself to keep to them. There are always excuses - I'm not hungry, I can't eat before exercising, I'll just finish this chapter, I'll just finish this episode. It's getting a bit silly.

Internet, I charge you to keep me accountable. Breakfast at 8:00. lunch at 2:00, dinner at 8:00. Snacks at 11:00 and 5:00 should mean that I get through. The issue isn't hunger - it's calories! Nutritionists make it very clear that you shouldn't go below 1200 calories a day. If I don't force myself to have snacks and dinner, I could get through a day with about 600 calories uneaten. And I won't be hungry, but I'm just not feeding my body properly. And it's just not healthy.

Sorry that this post has been a bit less uplifting than normal. On the upside, my workout today was AMAZING. The feeling of coming off a treadmill after doing intervals at 9km/h, knowing that you could have kept going? Doing sets and sets of squats and crunches? It's just awesome!! I'm just loving the exercise component of the programme :)

Hope you're all having a good week! I'm seeing Norah Jones in concert tomorrow with my grandparents, which should be good fun :) Just have to make sure that I get exercise in beforehand.

Alex xo

PS. How much fun is matching your outfit to your shoes? I love my purple leggings!


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