Tuesday, February 5, 2013

(Lack of) Fitness Test Time

Hello internet!

I realise that my readership is currently my training partner (hi Mum!), but you never know. I feel like it's always good to cover all of your bases. So hello all!

I've been catching up with the 12WBT challenges, slowly but surely. Today was Fitness Test time. In the interest of honesty, I'm going to share my results with you all today.

I was astounded by this time. It didn't come easy - you don't want to see the shade of red my face takes on when I've been trying really hard!! But I did it! I got to the last 100m, and decided that I was going to get under 8:00 by hook or by crook. And I did :) The songs that got me through it were Welcome To The Jungle (Guns N Roses), Up All Night (One Direction) and Ultraviolet (Stiff Dylans, from the Angus, Thongs soundtrack. It's actually the most motivational song; I always bust it out when I'm about to give up).

Compared to the time trial, everything else was almost a piece of cake haha.

I am actually totally incapable of doing one proper push-up, so I counted by very small ones. Hopefully this will improve over the next few months.

PLANK: 30 secs on my toes.
I was doing a plank on my knees and could feel absolutely nothing, so I did it on my toes instead. At one point, I could do a 45 sec plank, so I'm hoping to get back there and beyond.

WALL SIT: 10 secs.
A total failure. I have a very low threshold for pain and the like, so I find it very difficult to push through when my body is not pleased. Again, something to work on.

SIT AND REACH: +4 cm (approx).
I couldn't find a ruler, but I got about 4cm past my toes. Quite pleased with this one!

So yes. That's me. Putting it out there is therapeutic, isn't it?

Love to you all,
Alexandra xo


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