Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 3

Dearest internet,

Happy Wednesday! I always celebrate Wednesday evenings, as they herald the fact that the majority of the work week is over, and it will soon be the glorious weekend once again. I love and adore weekends passionately, as they allow for sleep-ins and film watching. Once upon a time, weekends were a time to slack of exercising and eating healthily, but NO LONGER.

I have a pretty sweet piece of news to share with you all. You may or may not know that, up until today (so, for three days) I have been enrolled in the Learn To Run programme on the 12WBT. In this programme, Wednesdays mark the running test day. The object is to run for as long as you can without stopping, and time yourself each week to see how incredible your improvement is.

I quite like a challenge, and decided that I was going to beat my previous best time of 7:58. Avid readers will recall that this time came about from my reluctance to run 1km in over 8 minutes. I sped up the treadmill so much that I thought I would fly off the back, but luckily for my bones I managed to stay on.

Anyway, in my self-challenging state, I decided that I would beat that 7:58 time if it killed me. I got to eight minutes, and kept on going. And kept on going. I knew I could get to ten if I pushed myself. Then twelve. Then fifteen, eighteen... I got to 20:30 before giving in. I probably could have kept going, to be honest, but I was running out of motivational songs on the Legally Blonde soundtrack. Rookie error, I know. Next time I'll have a playlist going and everything!!

Due to this incredible feat of superhuman strength (chortle), I've decided to take on the 10km Training Plan. I know it will be a step-up, but what can you do? No pain is no gain, apparently.

So that's me. I had a bit of a modified meal plan today. Boiled egg and avocado toast for breakfast, which was pretty bullet proof except that I accidentally soft-boiled the egg and ended up with egg yolk everywhere!

Note to self: buy an egg-cup.

I was ready to go with my carrot and tabouli wrap today, but I had literally three of the ingredients I needed. My carrot was floppy (chortle), I had no herbs and... other things were wrong too. Despondent, I assembled a ham wrap with the bits and bobs I found in the fridge. Five minutes spent on the calorie calculator later, I was set. And it was delicious.

Dinner... I just wasn't feeling a frittata. What I really wanted was some onion soup. So I spent a few minutes Googling various combinations of "healthy onion soup quick single serve" and quickly came up with one which sounded decent. One onion, water, chicken stock. Easy!

You say that now. I burned the onion, and the soup was bland. So I experimented :) Half a tin of chickpeas, some spinach, more stock powder and some salt/pepper went into the pot to form a delicious dinner which I ate with Mountain Bread. Who said that healthy can't be delicious? Well, I'm not sure if this soup was healthy (it was quite salty, which isn't good) but it was definitely calorie controlled and filled a salt craving that previously would have been resolved with a packet of chips. So score one for health!

I am now off to compile a list of facts about the case I just spent two hours reading. I have a sneaking suspicion that I will be asked something I don't know, so I'm going to preempt that by knowing everything!

Peace out, brussel sprout!


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